10 Reasons Why You Will Fail to Get Your Dream Body

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Everybody has a dream body. Are you doing anything now to get yours? Or do you believe that it'll always be just that – a dream?

Your dream body can be a reality if you make the right choices in terms of eating and exercise. Of course, there's a lot more that goes into it, but the bottom line is, it's achievable.

If you've been trying to transform your body without any success, you're doing something wrong. Here are 10 things that are stopping you from getting your dream body.

  1. You don't have a why.

What's your why? What's your motive? Why do you want to change your body? If it's for superficial reasons, you will find it hard to stick to your fitness regimen.

Before you dive into making changes to your lifestyle, you have to know why you want to do it. Otherwise, you'll easily get distracted in the face of temptation.

  1. You don't have a direction.

If you don't know where you're going, how are you going to get there? Ask yourself, what are your long-term fitness goals? What do you want to achieve in the next few weeks, the next few months, the next year?

  1. You're not motivated enough.

If you're struggling to get yourself to the gym or the studio or wherever it is that you work out, then your body is going to stay the same. Keep yourself motivated with fitness blogs and profiles, motivational videos, and inspirational workout quotes.

  1. You have unrealistic expectations.

Let's be honest. Successfully transforming one's body is hard. So throw all of those expectations out the window and be prepared to work hard.

Remind yourself that you'll sweat a lot and experience some pain, and there will be moments when you'll just want to give up. But if you have a why and a direction (see numbers one and two), you'll be able to push through it all.

  1. You have zero support.

Some people need support and others don't. If you fall under the first category, it's helpful to find a group of folks who have the same goals and values as you.

Get support from your partner, friends, family, or even an online fitness community. Sharing your goals and interacting with like-minded folks will help you go further than going at it alone.

  1. You're not challenging yourself.

The human body is quick to adapt to anything you put it through. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, your body will eventually get used to it and you'll stop seeing results. You need to change things up and challenge yourself on a regular basis.

  1. You want instant results.

Nope, sorry, that's not going to happen. Changes in your body happen over time, not overnight. Introduce lifestyle changes gradually by committing to one or two small changes at a time. Don't try to do everything all at once – that's a surefire way to fail.

  1. You compare yourself to others.

Stop comparing yourself to other people, especially celebrities. We are all on our own journeys and everyone is different. Remember, there is no competition. The only person that you should be comparing yourself to is your past self, to check your progress.

  1. You're not training your brain.

Old habits die hard. If you want to succeed in getting your dream body, you'll have to change the way you think, too. Rewiring your brain to instill new thoughts and behavior is essential to success. Some techniques you can use include affirmations and visualization.

  1. You keep weighing yourself.

Stop obsessing over the numbers on the scale; it's an inaccurate way to track your progress. A scale can't tell you how much fat, muscle, or water you have in your body. It also doesn't measure strength, endurance, or flexibility.

Author Bio

Being obsessed with running, Chau Nguyen decided to build his own blog runningaddicted.com, a place where people just like him can come to get the best information, tips, and gear available. Follow him on Twitter.

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