At Phamily Fitness Gym, Fitness is a "Phamily Affair!"

What's Your Name?

Ken Pham

Do you have a name for your gym?

Phamily Fitness

Fringe Sport Garage Gym Feature

Tell us a little about yourself - what you do when you aren't lifting, what are your other hobbies and any other info.

When I'm not lifting I try to stay active as much as I can so that will be in a various number of recreational sports such as basketball, volleyball, flag football, and snowboarding. I also have a 1.5 year old now so we are always going on walks and trying to enjoy the outdoors.

What made you decide to create the best garage gym ever?

I decided to start my gym when all gyms shutdown at the beginning of the pandemic. I knew I needed to still try to keep up with my workout routine. Also we were expecting our first kid so we also knew I wasn't going to have a ton of time to commute to and from the gym.

What gear do you have in your gym?

I have a little bit of everything as you can see. My gym mostly consist of items that I used when I worked out at a CrossFit gym. So you'll see all bumper plates along with hex dumbbells, wall balls, kettlebells, assault bike, gymnastic rings, and multiple barbells.

When did you become part of the Fringe Fam? What was your first Fringe purchase?

I became a part of the Fringe Fam in about June of 2020. Savage Bumper plates were a hot commodity so my plates were all on back order which was my first purchase. I bought about 300lbs worth at the time but since added another 200lbs or so.

What's your favorite gear that you use all the time?

My favorite gear will have to be the bumper plates since I use a barbell for a lot of my training. Plus the savage plates look sick!

What gear do you never use?

I have a Thor kettlebell hammer that I never use. It was a gift and more for its badass look.

Fringe Sport Garage Gym Feature

What was your best gear purchase?

Best gear purchase will be between my wall mounted rack or my bumper plates. Can't do the training I do without them.

What gear purchase do you wish you would have said "NO" to?

I wish I could have said no to my landmine attachment. I feel like I like the idea of the movements but I rarely use it.

What's your favorite workout?

My favorite workout would be just doing the super total lifts. So bench, squat, deadlifts, snatches, and clean and jerks.

What's the best advice you've ever received?

Best advice I've ever received is to buy once cry once.

What advice would you give to newbie garage gymmers?

I would say think about the type of training/work outs you typically do and buy equipment based on that. Don't buy things just because you think you'll use it or the idea of it sounds cool.

Drop you IG, You Tube, or any other social media handles here if you're good with us sharing!

IG- ken_pham


Thanks to Ken and his family for sharing their super cool Phamily Fitness gym!

And if you want to get your garage gym featured on our blogs, email us at so we can show everyone your fantastic workout space!


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