FringeFam - Meet Jason

My name is...

Jason Inoue

My role at FringeSport is...

Operations Manager

My favorite thing about working for FringeSport...

The team is awesome, we truly believe in improving lives through strength, everyday is a new challenge and we have an amazing free gym.

My training style is...

Strength biased and sport specific.  I train mostly powerlifting, olympic lifting and sport specific training for Brazilian jiu jitsu.  Some weeks I train five days a week, other weeks I may be lucky to train once, it just depends on life at that moment and how my body is feeling.  

My strength/fitness level is...

Dad Bod...just kidding...I can win or place in powerlifting meets, same for jiu jitsu tournaments and I can also compete in the Rx Division for most Crossfit/Functional Fitness competitions.  I have the Texas state records for Squat, Bench and Total in the 181lb Submasters Division of the Revolution Powerlifting Sydicate (RPS).  I have also done some Obstacle Course Racing, mainly in Spartan Races and completed a Trifecta a couple years ago. 

My fitness/strength goals are...

Remain competitive in strength sports and BJJ.  As well as win a Pan American and World Championship in BJJ.

I pull fitness/strength inspiration from...

Elite competitors in powerlifting, weightlifting and jiu jitsu.

My favorite workout or exercise to do is...

Clean & Jerk

My favorite piece(s) of equipment to use...

Comp Plates on a Weightlifting bar - the sound when lifting is magical.

My favorite place to workout is....

In my garage gym.

My favorite way to make gains or workout routine is...

Train hard, but train smart.  Focus the program on the current desired outcome:  strength, speed, sports performance, aesthetic, etc and follow the program.  Use your rest days to rest and recover.

The piece of equipment or product I couldn't live without is...


My favorite piece of equipment from FringeSport and why...

Lonestar Bar because it has a great finish, aggressive knurl, solid build, Texas flag end caps and made in the USA.

What are your hobbies outside of Fringe Sport and working out?

Brazilian jiu jitsu, Muay Thai, Boxing, OCR, Golf, Beer and Whiskey

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