Introducing: The 20KG Midas' Revenge Barbell

Fringe Fam, we’re excited to announce the launch of our newest barbell: The Midas’ Revenge Barbell.


This barbell was designed with the garage gymmer in mind and built for a king. The Midas’ Revenge Barbell is a 20kg Bearing Barbell that is perfect for those looking for a general use barbell for garage gymming that performs beautifully for slow lifts and still performs well for Oly and CrossFit WODs.

We’ve designed this barbell with durability in mind, and it just so happens to look super sexy while being ultra-durable. This barbell is one that can be passed down as a family heirloom, much like a King would pass down his crown to his heirs.

20kg midas revenge barbell endcap


The 28.5mm shaft is an aggressive knurl covered in sleek, corrosion-resistant Cerakote (the stuff that coats the armory of our military) that cuts the knurl down to a moderate-aggressive level. It won’t cheese-grate your hands on your heaviest deadlifts, but will absolutely lock your hands in place on your heaviest bench presses.

The sleeves on The Midas’ Revenge Barbell are coated in beautiful, shiny Gold Titanium which makes them super strong and durable. The sleeves feature a 2” diameter and will take all Olympic-quality bumper plates. The sleeves also feature a 16.4” loadable length.

fringe sport midas bar


The knurling on The Midas’ Revenge Barbell features dual rings for Powerlifting and Olympic Weightlifting set-ups without the center knurling so you won’t tear up your back or collarbones when you’re getting after some squats or Oly lifting.

The Midas’ Revenge Barbell features a 190k PSI, and 1500lb weight limit maximum. Combined with the slightly wider diameter of the shaft, this barbell is sitting at a great middle-ground PSI. The Midas’ Revenge Barbell is strong enough for a literal gorilla, so you can aim for gorilla-strength and always be satisfied with this bar.

Find out more about our newest beast of a barbell HERE.

Make everything you touch turn to gainz.

Lift heavy, lift like a king :)

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