Thank You!

We've done a bunch of photo shoots for Fringe in the last few months. I've been very thankful for the photographers and the models for each shoot, but this is my favorite shot from them all.

Tanya and Trevor are friends IRL, and they were cracking each other up during the shoot. Brian clicked the shutter, and here we are.

This is key to what we're building at Fringe- we're serious about our gear, serious about fitness and wellness, but we have a good time too.

It's the end of 2015, and I just wanted to thank you. When I founded Fringe out of my garage in 2010, I had big dreams- but none of this would have ever come true without you.

To that end, the Fringe team is working hard to become more meaningful to your life. We're obviously going to continue to develop and sell great gear at a great price with world-class customer service, but we'll be experimenting with a few other initiatives in the coming year.

  • I'll be personally reaching out more, to find out how we can help you, and sharing what we're building
  • We'll be putting out more articles, videos, and even books (!) around garage gyms, boxes, and entrepreneurship
  • We're opening up our gym in Austin, Texas to the community. Currently, It's free to come by and work out, or take part in one of our classes. Come see us!
  • We're looking at expanding Fringe's footprint. Maybe we'll be opening a FringeSport outpost in your town...
  • We'll continue to support new entrepreneurs in our space
  • We've got a ton of fresh gear coming down the pipe. Want us to build something? Let us know.
  • We're hiring again- we've currently go openings in web marketing (mid level), inside sales (entry level-ish), and outside sales (mid level). Reply with your resume if interested.
Now, what are we building at FringeSport? I've been playing around with our mission forever. I've currently got:
Build a great company that our customers love that enables meaningful positive changes in their lives by providing great gear at a great price with world-class customer service.
What do you think? Comment below and send me a note.

Thanks again,


PS. I'm cooking black eyed peas and brussels sprouts tomorrow. Here's to your own health + wealth in 2016!

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