WOD of the Week: 3 Round Kettlebell Core/Lower Body Workout
This workout was submitted by someone tagged us on Instagram. I copied the workout but forgot to give you credit. If this is your workout comment below and I'll add your name/handle.
What You'll Need: Kettlebell
The Workout: 3 Rounds for Quality
- 10 Pause Air Squats
- 10 Kettlebell Deadlifts 2x24kg
- 10 Unloaded Lunges (Each Side)
- 15 Kettlebell Swings 24kg
Finish with the Atomic Core Circuit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z01TwLnUigk
Want to see your WOD in the next newsletter or show off your time? Email us at team@fringesport.com - we love photos/videos of you showing us how it's done or your favorite workout pic.
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