3 kettlebell workouts to do anywhere

Kettlebells are one of the only pieces of equipment that can be easily loaded up and packed during travel without taking up too much space. Our kettlebells are great for taking on vacation because of their size, but also because they're so versatile. Plus, their black powder-coating is tough enough for the harshest of elements, so you can get some good, hard work in anywhere you're traveling to.

Take your kettlebell In a car, on a train, maybe not on a plane… kettlebells are one of the best things you can invest in if you’re going to be traveling, and want to keep up with your workouts.

Kettlebells are a great, versatile piece of equipment to invest in because of their small, generally compact shaping and size. This makes them super easy to travel with so you can continue to work toward your gains, even on the road.

5 kettlebell movements you can do anywhere, plus 3 different workout ideas for when you’re traveling (or not!)

The workouts below can be modified in time, reps, or movement for whatever you need and are comfortable with. These movements can also be swapped for any listed, or your favorite kettlebell exercises.

  1. Swings - Russian or American, or single-arm
  2. Cleans - Double-handed or Single-handed
  3. Goblet squats 
  4. Deadlifts - regular stance or single leg
  5. Turkish Get-ups

3 workouts to do anywhere

15 Minute AMRAP

15 Swings

15 Push-ups

10 each side walking lunges

18 Minute EMOM

Min 1: Kettlebell deadlift

Min 2: High plank hold

Min 3: Goblet squats

5 Rounds for time & quality

15 Cleans

3 each side Full Turkish Get-up

20 Air squats

15 burpees


Whether you're finishing out your summer on the road or not, give these simple kettlebell workouts a try and let us know what you think. You don't have to sacrifice your gains while you're on the road. Questions about these workouts, our kettlebells, or fitness while traveling? Shoot us a message or send us an email at team@fringesport.com and let's talk, Fringe Fam.

As always, lift heavy, lift happy :)

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