Meet Shane Fournier and Check Out His Well Built Gym
Our Garage Gym Feature today is with Fringe Fam Member Shane Fournier. He is 34 years old and has a super cool garage gym. While it doesn’t have a name at the moment, it’s still a great place to workout!
Shane lives in Minot, North Dakota, with his wife and 3 young daughters (ages 6, 8 and 9). He states he is an electrician as well as a recovering alcoholic. He is slightly above average at lifting but he really enjoys everything associated with lifting.
Shane started building his gym around 2 years ago when he completed rehab. He found that lifting heavy stuff was much more beneficial for him that just going to AA meetings. And he also found he enjoys his kids being in the gym with him. They all love to play on the TRX straps he has in the gym.
He also said “One of my biggest goals is to compete at an amateur level for lifting.”
Shane became a member of the Fringe Fam about 2 years ago (when he started his gym) by purchasing some bumper plates from us. He loves those plates, but is also glad to have room for a full squat rack as well.
He does admit to not using the squat belt much, but when asked what the next purchase on his wish list is, he said he’d like to have some more 45s but also has a dream for a full dumbbell set (we’ll see what we can do about talking to Santa for you, Shane!)
The best advice he got on building his garage gym? To take it slow and buy a little at a time. Make a list and then buy what you can when you can. Just remember to buy what you want and don’t settle.
We appreciate Shane sharing his garage gym with his – it’s always fun to take a peek inside someone else’s space!
Do you have a garage gym you want to share with the rest of the Fringe Fam? If so, contact us at and tell us "Feature My Garage Gym And Make Me A Star!"
And, as always, lift heavy, lift happy!
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