What is Garage Gym Day?

Garage Gym Day: June 20, 2021.

The Summer Solstice. The Summer SWOLEstice. It just so happens to be the longest day of the year, and the first official day of summer. ☀️

Garage Gym Day is all about getting out into your garage gym, opening up the door, and sharing your gear and a sweat-sesh with your friends, family and neighbors. It's a chance to share the love, sweat, and Garage Gym Gospel.

Garage Gym Day also happens to be on Father's Day this year (2021), so what better opportunity to get your Dad, your kids, and your whole fam in on the gains? Get swole, together.

Garage Gym Day has happened before, but last year, like many other things, was forced to be cancelled... so we know those of you who've participated before have been itching to roll up your garage door and get your friends, neighbors, and loved ones back in your garage gym to get a good sweat on.

This is your chance to really spread the revolution and get in a solid bro-sesh with the people you love. With a national holiday (well, two this year ;) ) to back your request, how could anyone decline? Ask your friends, your family, your kids, your dog, and anyone who will listen to join you in your sweaty, music-bumpin' pursuit of fitness and strength in your garage gym.

This holiday, Garage Gym Day, is a great opportunity to show off your beautiful garage gyms and show just how hard you've worked in and on your space, and help your friends, fam, and everyone who joins you to  understand and love the Garage Gym Revolution as much as you do.

In 2019, we held an in-person event, inviting you, our Fringe Fam, to join us in an open gym workout at our headquarters, but also encouraged those of you located far away to take part in the fun and create your own in-person event with your friends, family, and everyone in between.


While we aren't holding an in-person event this year, for your benefit, we're holding our MASSIVE Summer Swolestice Sale in preparation for Garage Gym Day from 6/7 through 6/14 with HUGE lightning deals released at 9am central, Monday through Friday. Our lightning deals will run out of stock each day, and missing out is so not the vibe, so make sure you're ready to rock when you get our email!

Keep your eyes open for emails starting Monday, 6/7 at 9am central.

Subscribe to our newsletter below to get in the loop and get your gear.

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