WOD of the Week: Regulus 9/11 Memorial WOD

We saw so many people honoring those fallen this past weekend for 9/11. This week's WOD did just that and was submitted by Justin Cutler of CrossFit Regulus.

We have always done a memorial WOD for 9/11, but we've made small changes to it each year. This year, we took some of the barbell components normally used because we had done so much barbell work the day before. But we always honor the day the best way we can. This year, we added a moment of silence before the workout to honor those fallen heroes.

What You'll Need:
Suggested Weights: 24kg Kettlebell
Suggested Plyo Height: 30in

The Workout: Regulus 9/11 Memorial Workout - For Time

2,001 Meter Run
11 Kettlebell Swing
11 each 1-Arm Kettlebell Thruster
11 Toes-To-Bar
11 Box Jump
11 Burpee Chest To Bar Pullup
11 Box Jump
11 Toes-To-Bar
11 each 1-Arm Kettlebell Thruster
11 Kettlebell Swing
2,001 Meter Run/Row 

Want to see your WOD in the next newsletter? Email us at team@fringesport.com - we love photos/videos of you showing us how it's done or your favorite workout pic.

1 comment

  • Pat Callahan

    30ft. ploy jump? Daaaaaamn Daniel!

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