2018 Black Friday Garage Gym Equipment Sale

Greetings and salutations Fringe Nation!

We are less than 4 weeks out from Turkey Day.

turkey day

Which means we're on a 28-day countdown to our 2018 Black Friday Garage Gym Equipment Sale!!!


Of course it's our busiest time of year, and more than ever we want to rock it out hard for ya'll, like we do every year. So this year we decided to go with a rock 'n' roll theme. We're practicing our licks and chops now to make sure we keep you all duly entertained.

We're super stoked and have lots in store for you. I'm not at liberty to say. Even I haven't been granted top-level security clearance.

top secret

What I can say is that you can expect the usual suspects: YUGE sales, YUGER savings, and the YUGEST deals yet.

We have a number of surprises up our sleeves and we aim to do our best to keep things fresh and exciting for you.

Here's what I can tease you with for now...

You can expect double-digit discounts on barbells, squat racks, med balls and slam balls.

We're also working on getting a wishlist installed on the website before Black Friday so you can keep track of everything you're going to ask Santa for. That's if you've been nice and not naughty.

I will be sure to feed Fringe Nation dates, times and more juicy details as they're given to me and we get closer to go time. Can't wait!

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