Feature of the Week: Jeremy Ethier

In our ongoing, continual effort to keep our finger to the pulse of the fitness, health and wellness world, the Fringe Sport team enjoys highlighting some of the people, companies and products doing the heavy lifting. When we see a strong blip on our radar, we enjoy putting the spotlight on them and giving a tip o' the hat.

What makes him so popular? First off, he has impressive credentials. Second, he has the physical results to back up his methodology. Last, he tempers all his claims with journaled research and quality science. Together, these three elements form a potent trident that resonates with his audience.

In our current day, when snake oil salesmen and fake news abound, we love seeing training methodology backed up with strong science. Jeremy has infused physical fitness and training with a much-needed dose of proof and evidence that’s presented on his clean and crisp website Built with Science. Moreover, he’s found a sleek formula and innovative ways to integrate his science and research-backed approach into his videos, making him a powerful force in the fitness industry.

Have a look for yourself and watch one of his videos from January, which has already topped well over 2 million views. This video investigates the eternal debate between light weights vs. heavy weights to stimulate muscle growth. Enjoy watching and we imagine you’ll become a fan of Jeremy’s like we have.

When you're done, we'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences with light weights vs. heavy weights in our comment section. 

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