WOD of the Week: The Pickell WOD
We're introducing a weekly WOD series of workouts submitted by you all! Each week we will have a new WOD that you can cycle into your own workouts. This week's WOD was submitted by James Pickell.
This was my first workout about 3 years ago and I completed 2 rounds not Rx. Just about a month ago I did it again and completed it in 45 minutes Rx.... Total hell but it's one of those ones you can be proud of. It's forever burned into my brain...
Teresa Porter helped me get through this by doing it with me, she's my best friend. We all support FringeSport.
What You'll Need:
The Workout:
7 Reps for Time
- 2x Rope Ascents
- 3x Atlas Stone 2 Shoulder (114 / 73lb)
- 4x Hang Squat Clean (155 / 105lb)
- 14x Burpees
Want to have your favorite WOD featured? Submit your WOD to team@fringesport.com. If you have photos of you doing the WOD even better - include those too!
Yes it’s supposed to be 7 rounds for time…. Please adjust so it doesn’t come off as soft, pickles are hard and crispy:):):) ???
Love this Pickell!
But I think it’s 7 rounds for time and not 7 reps for time. ;)
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