WOD of the Week: 5 Minute Squat Hold

This week's WOD was submitted by @freestylestrength on Instagram.They tagged us in their mobility exercise to improve your squat technique. Mobility training is just as important as strength training.:

Sitting in the Squat

-Here’s what 5 minutes in a squat looks like.

If you’re having a hard time squatting or want to improve your technique, take the time to sit.

-I sprained my ankle in December and have been lacking some dorsiflexion. I used a band the on the distal portion of the talocrural joint for some mobilization. 

#fst #freestyle #crossfit #squat #mobility #dpt#spt #choosept #physicaltherapy #workout #lift #fitness #sit #powerlifting #fringesport #freestylestrength #health

What You'll Need

The Workout: Do this exercise for 5 minutes.

  • Attach the strength band to a rack or sturdy piece of equipment or furniture.
  • Loop the band around your ankle with some resistance from the band.
  • Squat and hold for 5 mins.

Want to see your WOD in the next newsletter? Email us at team@fringesport.com - we love photos/videos of you showing us how it's done or your favorite workout pic.

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